Mike Johnson: The RIGHT Choice for U.S. Congress CD-7
“Seminole and Volusia County residents need a true America First conservative in DC who will fight to cut wasteful spending, protect our borders, support our military and veterans, push back against radical democrat agendas, and preserve our constitutional rights.”
​On August 20th, Vote to Fight for America’s Future. Vote MIKE JOHNSON FOR CONGRESS.

A vote for Mike Johnson is a vote to:
Reduce Taxes
Cut Wasteful Funding
Protect Our Border
Support Our Troops & Their Families
Support Law Enforcement
Reduce National Debt & Federal Spending
Return Money to Taxpayers
Support Energy Independence
Secure Our Elections
Stop CRT & False History in Schools
Cut Businesses Fees & Give Fair Tax Breaks
"I had the profound pleasure to have served our great nation for over 30 years. Now I stand to serve the great state of Florida & the people of CD-7. I will use my professional experience and skillsets to fight fraud, wasteful spending, abuse by contractors & the federal government, and dangerous radical leftist agendas. MY VOTE WILL BE YOUR VOTE!"
Mike has a proven record of fighting wasteful spending in the government, fighting for election integrity, and fighting for parental rights. ​Now it’s time to send him to DC to use his expertise to fight for us there. Take a stand against radical leftist agendas, open borders, and policies that increase inflation and wasteful spending and vote Mike Johnson for Congress!